Fake Jailbreak Website Offers iOS 6 Jailbreak for iPhone 5/4S, iPad

Write anything on your blog, and a lot of people will believe you. That’s what happens here: I write, you read and you probably come back for more. In between all this we have people who market us their products, and every time they try to lure us by offering some kind of incentives.

Some companies and websites prefer sending physical products, but a lot of them offer us money. Here’s yet another website (which will remain unnamed) requesting us to write an article about their website. Here’s the email:


I am [redacted] contacting from [redacted]. I hope you are doing good.

We are searching for blogs to post news about our iPhone unlocking and jailbreaking website. Please let me know is it possible to purchase one link from your blogote.com site?

Our website [redacted] should rank well in Google for “jailbreak iOS 6“ or “unlock iPhone“ keywords, which is why we are offering you money to write a post.

We would like you to link to our homepage in a natural way from one of your upcoming posts.

In return we offer you a flat rate payment via PayPal. Right now, we are offering $50 for one post. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in doing?

We also have a popular monthly offer in which you must post one article every week about our website. We are offering $300 if you are ready to do this. Do let me know if you are up for this.


I ignored the email because that’s what I usually do. However, as I had to investigate further to write this post, I visited the website in question and learned that they are offering fake promises.

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The site claims that iPhone 5/4S on iOS 6 and iOS 6.0.1 firmware can be jailbroken. Even the new iPad mini and iPad 4/3 can be jailbroken.

Note: There’s no iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S devices. This holds true even for iPad 4/3 and iPod Touch 5G.

Sites like this often have a convincing sales page to converts readers into buyers. One has to pay $49 to get access to these so-called jailbreaking tools and tutorials.

Is this a Scam?

Since the launch of iPhone in 2007, we have seen a bunch of people working round the clock to exploit iOS and bring jailbreaking tools to the iOS users at no cost whatsoever. The iPhone Dev Team and others in the jailbreak community are freely giving away these jailbreak tools because, you know, that’s how they roll.

As of now, always remember that sites promising iOS 6 jailbreak on your iPhone 5/4S are not trustworthy, as there’s no iOS 6 jailbreak available to the public yet. There are dozens of “guaranteed jailbreaking for iOS 6 at $49… $99″ websites out there, and all of these sites are here to make money out of you! And yes, they are running a scam!
