Unlock Angry Birds Level With JavaScript Code

So you have finally decided to get your hands dirty. That’s okay — who doesn’t like shortcuts?

As many of you already know, Angry Birds has landed on the web this week. For those who are interested to know, Rovio resurrected this web-based Angry Birds by using Google Web Toolkit, which is available as an open source set of tools to create applications in Java.

As the game is in “beta,” anyone can fling the birds and take out their revenge against the green pigs free of charge — although there is an ongoing hiccup with the Mac OS and Chrome browser.

Now, on to the best part: How to unlock the levels of Angry Birds?

Lets say you can’t get past through a level, which is a rarity, but not to worry: this little hack should unlock every level of Angry Birds on your browser.

To unlock the levels, fire up your browser, visit the Angry Birds page, and paste this JavaScript code on your address bar:

javascript: var i = 0; while (i< =69) { localStorage.setItem('level_star_'+i,'3'); i++; } window.location.reload();

You can also lock the levels by pasting this code into the browser’s address bar:

javascript: var i = 1; while (i< =69) { localStorage.setItem('level_star_'+i,'-1'); i++; } window.location.reload();

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