Using Firefox Addons to Blog Your Heart Out

Firefox is undoubtedly an amazing piece of software that comes equipped with some amazing features. Addon adds power to our Firefox browser. Do you wanna draw? There are several addons available. Want to design? Yes, addons are available. How about blogging? Of course, use addons. Anything you ask, you will have addons for that.

If your primary Internet browser is Mozilla Firefox — on your Windows or Mac OS — and you are in the lookout for some really cool blogging addons, then here’s the list of, I believe, the must have blogging addons for Firefox.

Essential Addons For Blogging on Firefox Browser

Firefox addon 1 – Scribefire

Scribefire is an extension which will help you post articles to your blog while browsing web pages simultaneously. This simple tool supports various blogging platforms likes WordPress, Drupal, TypePad, etc. You can also drag and drop the pages while browsing and share your post on different social websites instantly, eventually saving you a lot of time.

Get Scribefire now

Firefox addon 2 – Split Browser

Split browser is also another extension which will help you to compare different webpages at the same time. It can be useful if you want to compare your competitors webpage with your blog’s webpage.

Get Split Browser now

Firefox addon 3 – Seoquake

If you want to see your website/blog pagerank, want to check alexa ranking or want to know how many inbound links were obtained from google or yahoo or the keyword density of your webpage with that of the competitor’s page together then Seoquake is what you need. The addon analysis every bit of the webpage and provides accurate, detailed information.

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Get Seoquake now

Firefox addon 4 – Imagebot

If you feel uploading images in the blog directory is an mess then you can make use of this imagebot plugin. With just one click you can upload the images to other Image sharing websites like ImageShack or Photobucket. Imagebot also helps you build a gallery of images which can be used whenever required.

Get Imagebot now

Firefox addon 5 – Adsense Notifier

If you have a google adsense account and you keep checking it for every hour to see when the earnings will be updated then it is always better to use Adsense Notifier. The plug-in will reside in a quick icon bar and will show you the time left for the account to be updated.

Get Adsense Notifier now

Firefox addon 6 – coComment

This addon is used in comment conversation,like if you keep commenting to different blogs and want to know if someone responded to your comment in the particular blog,coComment notifies you about the comment left by that person.In simple words,it keeps tracks of comments left on a blog.

Get coComment now

Firefox addon 7 – Whos amung us

This extension will help you to know how many users are online on your blog. It monitors the online activities of the visitors in your blog. First you need to copy an simple html code and then download the addon and activate.
