Alternatives to Installous Apps on Cydia

Regular updates, new apps, games and a neat interface are some of the reasons why Installous remained as a favorite app on Cydia for many jailbreakers. But, as many of you know, Cydia’s Installous was discontinued because of the lack of revenue and attention. What next then?

You don’t have to wait for another Installous-like app to pop up on Cydia Store anymore, as we already some programs and websites similar to Installous. In this article, we will walk you through various ways by which you can get iOS apps on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Remember To Support iOS App Developer

If you are going to pirate apps or download them through Cydia or the Internet, always support the developer by purchasing the app from iTunes App Store. That said, below are some of the ways to get apps on your iOS devices.

Installous App Alternative

We have two methods to download apps: one through the repos, and the other through online websites. Let’s look at each of them:

Getting iOS Apps Through Repos

Here are the two best Cydia repos that have Installous-like apps — and yes, they are free to use:

  • iPhoneCake Repo
  • AppVV Repo

Download iPhone Cake Repo:

Step 1: Install iPhone Cake Repo — Go to Cydia, tap on Manage. Now tap on Sources. On top-right of the screen, you will notice Edit button. Hit the Add button and type the following URL:

Step 2: Install AppCake — Relaunch Cydia. Tap on Search and type “AppCake.” The app will be automatically downloaded and installed on your iOS device.

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Step 3: Now use AppCake app — Go to the iOS devices homescreen and look for the AppCake icon. Launch the program and start downloading iOS apps.

Picture 1: Installing AppCake app through Cydia. Picture 2: AppCake app interface

Download AppVV Repo:

Step 1: Install AppVV Repo — Go to Cydia, tap on Manage. Now tap on Sources. On top-right of the screen, you will notice Edit button. Hit the Add button and type the following URL:

Step 2: Install vShare — Relaunch Cydia. Tap on Search and type “vShare.” Look for “vShare – AppVV.” This is the app you should download.

Step 3: Now use vShare app — After the app is downloaded, the homescreen will have an app called “vShare.” Launch it to start downloading iOS apps.

Picture 1: Installing vShare app through Cydia. Picture 2: vShare app interface

Note: Both AppCake and vShare works on iOS 5 and iOS 6 firmware supported devices — this includes iPhone 4/4S/5, iPod Touch 4G/5G, and all the new iPads.

Getting iOS Apps Through Websites

A quick search on Google reveals websites offering cracked iOS apps for free. Through this website you can download the apps on your computer, and then transfer them to your iOS device.

Use the following search query: “Appname IPA file.” Note: Replace Appname with the name of the iOS app you are looking for. Example: If I was looking for Angry Birds, I’d type “Angry Birds IPA file” on Google.

After you have downloaded the file on your computer, follow this tutorial: Installing IPA files on iOS devices.

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