Unable to Download Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Update from Mac App Store?

No matter what kind of Internet speed you have, sometimes the Mac App Store fails to completely download the Mountain Lion 10.8.2 update.

Story time: It just so happened that my iMac was eligible for a hard disk replacement. As I had purchased AppleCare support for this 27-inch machine (a decision I regretted at first, but not anymore), the Apple Engineers arrived at my place in the afternoon and installed the new 1TB hard disk. They also erased any data (which I already did) that was left in the old hard disk.

What followed next was a sight I wanted to witness. They dislodged the front glass panel using a suction cup, wiped out the dust, then removed the LCD panel, wiped out the dust once again, and I was taught about various parts of the iMac — a story I will save for another day. Let’s cut to the chase: After everything was glued back on, they installed a genuine copy of Mountain Lion 10.8 operating system.

The latest OS, however, was Mac OS X 10.8.2. I was told to download this update off the Internet. Sure, I said. Last time it was super-easy to download the Mountain Lion 10.8.2 update through the Mac App Store. This time, however, download failed. I tried once again, and after downloading 200 MB of the update, it failed again. I quit and moved out of the Mac App Store, and finally downloaded the update from an alternate link.

If you are facing similar issues as I did, then follow these simple instructions. The file below (taken from Apple’s server) can be downloaded right from your browser, and yes, you can also pause and resume the download.

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Updating 10.8 Mac to Mountain Lion 10.8.2 Version

Step 1: Follow this link and download the update.
Step 2: Wait for the download to complete.
Step 3: Open the OSXUpdCombo10.8.2 DMG file. [Screenshot] Step 4: A window with .PKG file appears. [Screenshot] Step 5: Click the .PKG file and install the update. [Screenshot]

Simple, isn’t it? You have to wait for 15-20 minutes for the installation to complete. Once 10.8.2 has been installed, you have to restart your Mac. Next time you or your friends are facing issues while downloading Mountain Lion update through the Mac App Store, you now know what needs to be done!
